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A person who knowingly commits a crime has broken the social contract and should not retain any civil rights or the right to benefit from his or her own labor.

Society is an organization formed by humans with some specified rules and contract to maintain peace and prosperity in the world. Any person found violating these principles is liable to punishment, but the degree of punishment depends on whether one knowingly committed the crime or was not in his proper mind set . However, if one commits a crime, has broken the social contract knowingly ,should not retain any civil rights or the right to benefit from his or her own labor.

The violation of a social contract or any civil right is declared as a crime, wherein who has committed the crime does not matter. Only thing which matters is the severity of the crime and its concomitants. Crime has no class or restrictions , let the crime be committed by an elite group or an impoverished group the consequences are the same. For example, we all remember the WATERGATE issue which created distrust, showcase treachery and self- righteousness. No one could believe that president of the U.S, Mr. Richard Nixon for his benefit would betray the people who gave him the privilege and right to serve them. He violated all the possible contracts and misused his rights to win the next election, in which he was a candidate. However, he was abdicated from his post and was eliminated from the election, once he was found guilty and corrupt. He was abolished from participating in the elections for lifetime and was diminished of all possible civil rights.

Furthermore, Crime can have many aspects to it. It can take a form of terror which is accompanied by massive destruction, loss of life and many other consequences which are against the social contract and civil rights. The attacks of 26/11 on the Taj hotel in Mumbai is an example of a crime which was executed intentionally and all presence of mind. It was a planned attack to create havoc in people’s mind and destruction. One conspirator was Ajmal kasab who broke the social contract by killing innocents and was indifferent to what he and his co- conspirators did. People like Kasab should be refrained from all the rights of benefit even from his own labor.

In conclusion, a person committing a crime must be constrained from all the rights of benefits from his or her own labor and should be refrained from all his civil rights for committing a crime intentionally. These people have no right to be called as a citizen, and must be punished harshly so that it becomes an exemplary punishment for all the persons who commit a crime.

One response to “A person who knowingly commits a crime has broken the social contract and should not retain any civil rights or the right to benefit from his or her own labor.

  1. Pingback: A person who knowingly commits a crime has broken the social contract and should not retain any civil rights or the right to benefit from his or her own labor. | saiun234

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